Other Works

The Public Wealth of Nations The Public Wealth of Nations

Most countries’ public wealth is larger than their public debt. While managing debt has become a matter of great concern during the financial crisis, public wealth remains opaque and largely ignored. The Public Wealth of Nations shows that public wealth is vast and could be put to much better use.

The Public Wealth of Cities The Public Wealth of Cities

This forthcoming book describes a new way of boosting cities that have already led to remarkable success in some cities. The key is to unlock a city’s hidden social, human and economic wealth. A focus on public wealth shifts attention and resources from short-term spending to investments that can vastly raise the quality of life in the long run.

The Public Wealth of Cities Renaissance for Reform

Renaissance of Reforms is based on an analysis of 109 governments that completed their term of power in OECD countries between the mid-1990s and 2012. The authors show that governments that introduce market reforms not only can boost entrepreneurship and job creation, but also increase their own chances of re-election.